Do your gut feelings tell you that your partner is cheating on you? However, are you not sure whether your instincts are right or wrong? In that case, it is best to use some tips, which can help you get the evidence that your partner is clearly cheating on you with another person.
Top 9 Things To Do To Catch Your Unfaithful Partner
If you are interested in finding more tips about catching a cheater, it is best to click here and check out the tricks. Here are some best tips:
1. Over Protective Behavior Towards Phone

One common habit that many people often have while cheating on their partners is being over-protective towards their phones. If you feel that your partner is acting suspiciously with his/her phone, it might be a sign that he/she is cheating on you.
For instance, your partner might lock the phone with a new password that you do not know of. Besides that, he/she may not be willing to share the passcode of their phone with you, which can increase your suspicions. Another behavior is not giving their smartphone to you at all costs and keeping their mobile device far away from you in every situation.
2. Tracking Your Partner’s Location
Tracking your spouse’s location is beneficial as you will know which places he/she has visited. You can open Google Maps Timeline to view their location history. If this tip is not working, you can install a location tracking app in your spouse’s phone and hide it in the lock app in order not to make it suspicious. In addition to that, attach a location tracker in the car without your partner’s knowledge so you can know where they have traveled.
3. Open Text Messages

You can also prove that your partner is betraying you by checking their text messages. Some people might hesitate to do this as they think it is an invasion of their partner’s privacy. However, in order to conclude whether your spouse is cheating on you, you have to open the text messages.
Check the recent chats they had with all the people and see what messages they have shared. In addition to that, if you notice a new contact, then scroll through the conversations. If you find any information that can prove that they are having an affair, then take screenshots.
4. Examine Your Spouse’s Bank Account Transaction Details
Checking your spouse’s bank account transaction details is another best trick to discover if your partner is cheating on you. If you find a huge sum of money transactions between your partner’s and another account, then you may have to look deep into it. Besides that, check where your spouse is spending his/her money more often, for example, hotels, restaurants, shopping, and others.
5. Check Internet History

Checking your partner’s browsing history on his/her smartphone or computer is another tip you can use to check if your spouse is having an illegal affair. Though the cheaters might clear their internet history, sometimes they may forget it because of any hurried situation. Due to that, it is best to check your partner’s internet history.
If the history is still available, you can quickly scroll through them to discover if they have been to any questionable websites. It might be suspicious to you if your partner’s browsing history is clean without any searches.
6. Have A Look At Your Partner’s Social Media Accounts
In a poll, the results inform that several people who are in a relationship use social media accounts to maintain an affair with another person. Because of that, you might have a high chance of catching your partner red-handed if he/she is having another person other than you.
7. Opening Suspicious Apps

As of now, cheaters find several ways to maintain affairs with other people. One such method is using third-party messaging apps and dating apps. If you ever get access to your partner’s phone, check for any suspicious apps, which allow chat messaging. In case if you find any of those apps, make sure to browse through the chats to confirm your suspicions.
8. Make Use Of Spy Cameras
Do you feel that your partner is bringing another person into your home when you are away? Then, it is better to install spy cameras in your residence’s entrance, living room, bedroom, and other rooms as well. After you leave your home, you can watch the live footage from your mobile phone to check what is happening in your home.
While picking spy cameras, it is best to choose portable models with a discreet design. Make sure that they blend into the surroundings without getting noticed by anyone. Be careful while installing them in your home, and keep in mind to conceal them as much as possible.
9. Contact Your Partner With Fake Details

You can use a new phone number to call your spouse like a stranger. While calling him/her, keep in mind to change your voice and alter the manner you speak so that your partner will not think that it is you. If not, you can create a fake social media account and chat with your spouse. Try messaging like an unknown person with your partner and check how he/she will respond to your messages.
If you are getting somewhat inappropriate replies from your spouse or if it seems like he/she is flirting by the way of their messaging, show him/her these messages and confront your partner.
Bottom Line
You might feel sad, angry, or betrayed if you come to know that your partner is unfaithful towards you by having illegal affairs with other people. However, it is best to catch your partner red-handed with proof about their cheating behavior and end this shady relation. You can use the above tips and tricks to discover your deceitful spouse.