If you have a loved one who is currently serving overseas, it’s been months or years since you’ve seen them. They’re on their way home safe and sound, and you’d want to tell them so. You also want to let them know how much you’ve missed them, how grateful you are for all they’ve done for the country, and how much they mean to you. You can do that by adding some thoughtful signage to the homecoming, whether it’s on the lawn or on a wall indoors.
Welcoming signs aren’t just meant for businesses hoping to attract customers through advertising or billboards during major holidays. They can serve an important purpose in welcoming veterans home from war who may feel lost upon arriving back into civilian life. Whether veterans were overseas for a month, year, or two decades, it’s always heartwarming to see friends and family members show some love when returning stateside — especially after spending time in a war zone.
If your loved one has been overseas, maybe for a year or so, you’d certainly want them to know that they’re missed while away and that you can’t wait to have them back into the fold. These signs are ideal for these situations because it’s time for a warm welcome home. Here are some examples:
Inspirational signage

These signs are ideal for military families whose loved ones have gone overseas and who will be returning soon. The reasons don’t even have to be about the military. It could be that they’re coming home for reasons like childbirth or adoption. Whatever it may be, these signs are meant to congratulate them on their reunion with their loved ones.
Vinyl Banners
Vinyl banners are the go-to material for signs like these. It’s durable and less expensive than other materials, like aluminum or wood. These flags come in various shapes and sizes too. Some even come with grommets that enable you to hang them easily. These are a friendly reminder that your loved one is coming home soon.
Welcome Home Signs

These signs are a bit larger and more formal because they’re meant for veteran homes, billeting facilities, or hotel lobbies. They have a sleek design that will fit into any setting. It’s made from aluminum alloy material, which means it’s sturdy and won’t easily bend like vinyl (although vinyl banners can also be durable). You can also get these signs in different colors, ranging from black to red to silver. These signs come with pre-drilled holes for ease of hanging.
Housewarming Gifts With Signs
If the loved one isn’t coming back into their own house but rather moving into a new place along with family members or friends, then you can get them a housewarming gift to celebrate their arrival. These signs are great for these kinds of situations because it features the word “welcome” which is certainly fitting for welcoming someone into their new home.
This sign is ideal for welcoming your friend, family member, or loved one home after serving in temporary military quarters overseas. It would look good on any lawn, indoors, or even temporary housing facilities during deployment.
Window Decals
Window decals also work for this type of signage. Many businesses today will put these on their front entrance so customers know what they’re about: be it a salon, restaurant, or dealership. You can do this at home too and let your returning loved ones know what kind of place they’re coming back to welcoming, loving, supportive… anything you’d want them to feel when they get home.
Personalized banners

Making personalized banners for your returning loved ones is another great way to let them know how much they’re missed and how happy you are to have them home once more. You can design these yourself or hire a designer to do them for you. Just be sure that the message is heartfelt and honest so that it will touch the hearts of those who receive them.
Custom Car Magnets
Custom car magnets are a clever design because they can go on the back of cars for everyone to see. You can have them made with your loved one’s name or rank, what unit he/she was in, and when he will be coming home from overseas. It lets everyone know that someone special is on his way home.
Bumper Stickers

Customized bumper stickers are another display of welcome and support. You can get these printed with your loved one’s picture on them or their name and rank, and it lets everyone else know they’re coming home soon. It also lets people know how proud you are of them and what they did to protect the nation.
Military welcome signs are the perfect way to welcome home loved ones who have served their country proudly, or just as a general gesture of support for veterans in your community. Showing up with military signs at the airport can be one small way to convey your pride and gratitude for someone’s service, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to salute! You can check out some on https://shieldcoart.com/military-signs
Other things that you can do are opening houses, having parades leading them home or to their base, offering them free food or drinks at popular hangouts, giving out gifts. There are lots of ways you can show the appreciation that your loved ones have earned for serving our country.
These are just some of the ways you can welcome your loved ones back into the fold. They deserve nothing but support and love after all of their hard work. So if you want to do something nice for them upon their return, any of these signs would fit the bill nicely… not to mention how much it means to them! These banners will certainly show them exactly how proud of them you’re feeling.